First Transmission. Hello, I'm Ana, composer/producer of Runaway Droid. I'll be blogging news about the project and maybe Synthwave in general.

At Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, Florida.

Long story short: Originally I'm a guitar player and have shredded away for about two decades. I still play in a rock band. Last summer I had some time off from band activities and tried my hand on Synthwave, so now we're here. You can check out my tracks on Spotify or support on Bandcamp.

Miami, Palm Trees, Sport Cars, Ocean Drive...

Runaway Droid has a new single called Mission Protocol coming out on Feb. 11th. The two tracks are packed with 1980's action-romance, so be sure to check it out in a few weeks.

I was lucky to start this year spending my winter vacation in Miami, though I wrote those tracks prior the trip, I'll be adding new influences to forthcoming releases. My Instagram's got more vibes from the trip. Right now Finland feels super cold and dry. No palm trees here!